As trainees, we only see a small part of the process of treating any individual patient, usually at the stage of administering locoregional therapy in interventional radiology. In this setting, it can be difficult to fully understand the role of IR within the larger picture of multidisciplinary care
he World Conference on Interventional Oncology (WCIO), in collaboration with The France Foundation (TFF), is proud to announce the launch of IO University, a new online curriculum for health professionals.
I was completely blown away by a presentation from the senior leadership of Galil. Galil has invested 25%-30% of revenues into R&D...
Kieran Murphy, MD, FRCPC, from the University Health Network in Toronto, Canada will be joining WCIO this year as a speaker. IO Insights recently spoke with Dr. Murphy to discuss his session at WCIO 2016.
As an IR who practices Interventional Oncology almost exclusively, I have always felt a bit uneasy using the term “Interventional Oncology” with my medical and surgical oncology colleagues.
WCIO took the next step on its mission to enhance global IO education with IO University’s first live webinar. An expert panel discussed the diagnosis and treatment options for malignant ascites.