NCCN Incorporates SIO Recommendations in 2020 Guidelines for Neuroendocrine Tumors
The SIO NCCN Task Force submitted recommendations to the NCCN for the latest revision of the Neuroendocrine Tumor treatment guidelines. Rony Avritscher from MD Anderson Cancer Center, Nick Fidelman from UCSF, and Etay Ziv from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center authored the SIO submission.
For the first time, IR has been called out as a separate specialty contributing to the guidelines:

The Inverted “U” is the mathematical symbol for intersection, a fitting designation for Interventional Oncology operating at the intersection of cancer therapies.
For lung NETS, ablation was added for treatment of primary tumors and liver-directed therapy added for liver-dominant metastases.
An entirely new section on “Principles of Liver-Directed Therapy” was added to the guidelines and referenced in the sections on treatment of metastatic GI and Pancreatic NETS. The Principles cover the spectrum of embolotherapies and include thermal ablation as an option, while acknowledging the limited prospective data for ablation.
Cautions about LDT in the setting of a Whipple were modified to include any prior biliary instrumentation.
Ablation was added as an option for malignant adrenal tumors
A new section on Principles of Imaging was created to codify recommendations for anatomical and nuclear imaging.
Thanks to Rony, Nick, and Etay for their impactful contributions, helping SIO strengthen the role of interventional oncology as the fourth pillar of cancer care.
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